The library will be kept open on all working days from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. A full time librarian is available at the library
Silence must be maintained in the library to prevent disturbance to those using the library
Books must not be witten on, marked, or in any way disfigured or damaged
Details of reading materials taken out of the library must be entered in the records and such material must be returned before or on the stipulated date
Only one book can be borrowed at a time for a period not exceeding one week
Books must be returned or renewed on or before the due date
Books lost or damaged by the borrower must be replaced by the borrower and no further books will be issued to that person till its return or replacement. A student who loses a book must immediately intimate its loss to the library
Exchange of library books amongst students is strictly prohibited and only the student who borrowed the book must return it
Chairs and tables must not be dragged or moved from their original place for group conversation or any other purpose
Students of Classes X, XI and XII must return library books before January 15th and students of other classes before March 31st